
Challenges of creating circular businesses

Join this open panel debate on challenges of creating circular businesses.

The panel debate will consist of both academic and non-academic participants, discussing how to make circular businesses profitable; what are the challenges and possible trade-offs.

Panel lead: Veronika Budovska, PhD Fellow in Sustainable Change, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Media and Social Sciences, UiS.


Fabian Rocha Aponte, Research Scientist in Sustainable Energy Technology at Sintef

Sindre Lorentzen, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of safety, Economics and Planning, UiS.

Thomas Laudal, Associate Professor, Business School, UiS.

Maria Korkou, PhD Fellow in City and Regional planning, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Safety, Economics and Planning, UiS.

Jack Davies, Director of the regenerative company `Beoi´

Harald Brynlund-Lima, Areal/Society Leader at the consultancy company `Stafr´

Sverre Heskestad, CEO, and John Magne Fenne, Project Leader, at consulting engineering company - `Prosjektil AS´

Natalia Ålgård, Financial Adviser at Ìnnovation Norway Rogaland´

This event is free of charge, enroll here:



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