There are many different political parties in Norway, and the election campaign has already started! I am sure you've noticed some of the political parties at stand down town or gone by a bus stop focusing on who to vote for.
Even though you might be brand new in town, it is possible to get involved and take part in the discussions. Politicians are elected for four years, and the result and consequences could vary a lot depending on who will be in charge the next period.
Our moderator is: Hilde Øvrebekk, Journalist, Stavanger Aftenblad
We have invited politicians from different parties, you will meet the following:
* Jofrid Klokkehaug, Arbeiderpartiet (The Labor Party)
* John Peter Hernes, Høyre (The Conservative Party)
* Kristoffer Sivertsen, Fremskrittspartiet (The Progressive party)
* Eirik Faret Sakariassen, SV (The Socialist left)
* Mette Vabø, Venstre (The Liberal Party)
We will start the discussion with some dilemmas who engage all parties:
* Energy politics and climate change
In addition we will make an open Q & A session by all.
For more information, please contact Maria Mår Johansen
This event is free of charge! Please enroll with your company or university e-mail if you have one. Networking is a highly important part of the events hosted here at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, an updated attendee list with company details leaves you with maximum gain from our events. Hope to see you!
18:30 Registration and coffee.
18:45 Welcome by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, by Inger Tone Ødegård.
18:50 Brief introduction to the Norwegian election system, by Hilde Øvrebekk, Journalist, Stavanger Aftenblad.
19:05 Presentations from five political parties: WHY you should vote for us! by Arbeiderpartiet, Høyre, Fremskrittspartiet, Sosialistisk Venstre og Venstre.
19:55 Panel discussion with all five parties, by all. Moderator is Hilde Øvrebekk.
20:30 Individual questions and networking, by all.
21:00 Closing.
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