
Entrepreneur: FASHION

The Stavanger-region has many innovative entrepreneurs, and this evening is all about fashion.

As much as 60% of all clothes become waste within a year of their production, and 40% of all produced clothes are not even sold nor used. By reusing, redesigning and buying healthy materials that lasts, we contribute to circular fashion.

AT this event we have invited local entrepreneurs and designers working in the fashion business on sustainable premisses:

I Ull:produces gorgeous wool garments.

ReLi:clothing rental. This is circular economy in practical daily life.

You will also meet one of the participants, Turi Rudningen Galta,  from the TV series, The sew championship, season 5. Redesign has become very popular in the last couple of year. Perhaps you will pick up some inspiration yourself? 

This will be a social and informative evening for anyone interested in clothing. Whether you are curious about being an entrepreneur, learning more about reuse or simply just seeing what is going on in the region. Your bonus is meeting many nice people in addition to our great speakers.


For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård


This event is free of charge, but you have to enroll. If you have a company/ University  e-mail address, please use your formal e-mail. Only one person per e-mail.

It should be safe to visit us! The Chamber follows all infection control advice from the National Institute of Public Health and local authorities.




18.30 Registration and networking.

19.00 Welcome, by Inger Tone Ødegård, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

19.05 Driven by wool, energy and will, by Ingvild Kverneland, Founder, I Ull.

19.25 Renting an outfit? From idea to business, by Rebecca Ribesen Sjølie og Lisa Haula Ribesen, Founders ReLi.

19.45 Redesign is sustainable fashion, by Turi Rudningen Galta, Architect and participant SY mesterskapet.

20:05 Individual discussions and inspiration with all.

21:00 Closing.


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