
Outdoor life all year round

Outdoor life in Norway - all year round. Why is outdoor life such an important factor of the Norwegian lifestyle?

What to do, where to go, how to dress, what kind of equipment do I need, and last but not least: where do I find a network and friends for outdoor activities and new hobbies? These are some of the topics we will address at this event. 

Our Key-note speaker is Annette Andresen, Outdoor enthusiast. Annette is used to hiking all year round. She will share her best advice for popular walks and hikes close by, and more spectacular destinations.   


For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård


Due to COVID-19 regulations, capacity is strictly limited (48 participants) and we need a participant list for all events, incl. phone number.  If you have a company/ University  e-mail address, please use your formal e-mail. Only one person per e-mail.

It should be safe to visit us! The Chamber follows all infection control advice from the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian authorities to ensure that our meeting places are safe. All participants must either be fully vaccinated or present a negative test. We ask you to familiarize yourself with our requirements and routines prior to attending our meetings: 


18.45 Registration and coffee.

19.00 Welcome by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, by Inger Tone Ødegård.

19.10 Outdoor life; How to dress? Where to go? Useful network and organizations, by Annette Andresen, Outdoor enthusiast.

20.00 What's important for you? by all.

20.30 Networking and new friendship, by all.

21.00 Closing.


Outdoor life, Annette Andresen

Presentasjon New in Town - Outdoor in Norway.pptx

Fishing in Norway, Inger Tone Ødegård

Basic about fishing ENGLISH Hand Out.pptx

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