
Factory visit: Figgjo

Get the Figgjo experience and see how sustainable porcelain is made!

Figgjo is the sole remaining porcelain manufacturer in the Nordics. Producing durable porcelain right here in our very own region. They are focused on leaving a light footprint using no harmful materials. Hear the machines running and see how much is still done by human hands. 

At this event we will get a guided tour through a factory filled with stories and get to see how they make and decorate their fantastic products. We will round the visit off with a stop at their factory outlet, maybe you'll find some Christmas presents! 

The drive from Stavanger to Figgjo is about 30 minutes. We will need to car pool, let me know if you have any available seats and where you will be departing from, for instance Sandnes or Stavanger. For those of you living in Stavanger we can meet outside our building (Rosenkildehuset, Strandkaien 6, 4005) and drive together. 

  • Meeting time Stavanger: 08:45
  • Departure: 09:00  
  • Factory tour: 09:30

If you have any questions send an email to: Maria Mår Johansen


This event is free of charge!  Networking is a highly important part of the events hosted here at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, an updated attendee list leaves you with maximum gain from our events. Hope to see you! 



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