Europe – as well as other parts of the world experience challenges building capacity and necessary programs for training and education for both on- and offshore wind. With the ongoing build out, and the huge growth coming up for the next years, it is crucial to develop this capacity and further develop the existing training and educational programs, as well as developing new ones, securing needed up-skilling and re-skilling for the industry both technical as well as for Health and Safety.
To be able to achieve this we need to collaborate cross industries, as well as cross nations through regional and international collaboration.
Visit us at Egersund Energy Hub to learn more about training and education available, and the workforce development needed especially towards vocational trained skilled workers.
You will meet students, instructors, teachers, governmental representatives as well as representatives from Energy Innovation, The Norwegian Competence Centre for Offshore Wind, Rogaland Polytechnical College, NORCE and the University of Stavanger.
For more information, please contact Frank Emil Moen
Detailed program below. Train ticket included in the price.
08.30 Meet at BYTERMINALEN, Stavanger.
08.47 Departure with train from Stavanger Train Station (Train towards Oslo).
09.42 Arrival at Egersund train station – bus to Egersund Energy Hub (5 minutes).
10.00 Registration / Coffee.
10.15 Tour and demonstrations at the Energy Innovation Training & Education Centre
Divided in groups with stations:
* GWO HSE training facilities with 30 m high tower –Demonstration of Evacuator – safe rescue from turbine also in fire – Energy Innovation / Evacuator
* GWO Blade repair – Energy Innovation
* Wind Tech Education Workshop – Dalane Vocational College
* SOFT Rope Access Training Set Up – IKM Solidtech
* Demonstration of use of VR in training and exercises – Energy Innovation
11.30 Lunch.
12.00 Energy Innovation – a comprehensive GWO training and wind tech education centre for on- and offshore wind in Norway, by Frank Emil Moen, CEO / Managing Partner.
12.30 National Competence Centre for Offshore Wind Norway, by Rune Klausen, CEO.
12.45 Rogaland Polytechnical College – programs offered for Offshore Wind, by Robert Drønen, Department Head.
13.00 Workforce development offshore wind – Lessons from offshore petroleum, by Atle Blomgren, Senior Researcher NORCE and Project Manager ImpactWind.
13.15 Flexible Higher-education for Offshore wind @ UiS – Towards a Collaborative study program for re-skilling and up-skilling, by Jayantha P. Liyanage, UiS.
13.30 Panel debate – How to secure the necessary workforce development and secure the health and safety for offshore wind through international collaboration.
13.55 Bus to train station.
14.06 or 14.18 Trains leaving from Egersund Station for Stavanger
15.05 or 15.30 Arrival Stavanger station.
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