
Do you plan to rent or buy an apartment or house?

Renting or buying an apartment or house is a serious investment. Welcome to join us for a very practical evening with information about searching, viewing, bidding, buying and maintaining. Do it correctly from the start!

In Norway, three out of four households own their housing. As a foreign citizen, both housing (detached house, townhouse, owner section apartment/condominium, housing cooperative) and rules related to buying a home and owning their own home can be difficult to understand. The rules and requirements are also different from detached houses and townhouses to owner section apartment/condominiums and housing cooperatives.

Let our key note speakers, Arne Gundersen from BATE and Odd Egil Flokketveit from Coowner Management AS, navigate you through the jungel of information! They will address the following topics:

🏡 Market (renting or buying?)
🏡 What to investigate when purchasing a house?
🏡 Budget and loans: How to apply for a mortgage/loan?
🏡 Regulations and procedures in the rental marked vs buyers marked
🏡 Viewing, bidding, buying and contracts
🏡 Price/value increase and earn-out period with "Deleie" powered by Coo/Co-ownership contract

Bate is one of Norway's largest house builders and housing managers. Today, Bate manages 30.000 homes and assists both boards and residents with daily tasks and challenges. Over 100 employees in Bate help daily with caretaker-gardening services, accounting, consulting, legal assistance, maintenance and project management, damage prevention and residential construction.

Coo is a new concept, started two years ago. Coo buy houses and are co-owners, until you have equity enough on your own. They have already bought homes together with just under 100 families and are now buying more homes every week, as well as having even more on viewings every day scattered throughout the country. 

Our speakers will explain both rules related to home purchases, and the things you as a home buyer must be wary of in relation to maintenance and extraordinary expenses related to housing. We will also explain the difference between housing cooperatives and co-ownership.

For more information, please contact Maria Mår Johansen

Please enroll with company details (either company email or a private e-mail pluss company details), it's highly important for us to be able to register who attends our events. This leaves you with a more updated attendee list - giving you maximum gain from both our events and networking. Hope to see you!


18:30 Registration and coffee.

18:45 Welcome, by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

18:50 Housing tips: from looking to buying, by Arne Gundersen and Eirik Strand, BATE.

19.30 Break and individual questions.

19:50 "Deleie" powered by Coo/Co-ownership contract, by Odd Egil Flokketveit, Coo.

20.15 Individual questions and open discussions, by all.

21.00 Closing.



The Stavanger-region, Inger Tone Ødegård

Housing tips March 13th 2024.pptx

Housing tips: from looking to buying, Arne Gundersen

Presentasjon 13 mars 2024.pptx

"Deleie" powered by Coo/Co-ownership contract, Odd Egil Flokketveit


Tips and practicalities, Inger Tone Ødegård

Tips for home maintenance.pptx

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