
Job preparations and interview techniques.

The most effective job search/interview starts with thoughtful preparation.

By doing some preparations you'll feel more in control, and will appear calm and collected. At this event you will gain information about job searching, where to start, interview techniques and interview preparations. The target group for this seminar is unemployed people.

Our key-note speaker is Eva Kanic-Pieterse, Founder and CEO Virtual. She will address:

  • Job search is a job itself.
  • Where to start? Useful links, structure, follow ups.
  • Language.
  • Interview: dress code, body language, preparations.
  • Social Media.


For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård


We will forward an e-mail including more practicalities upon the event.

Due to COVID-19 regulations, capacity is strictly limited and we need a participant list for all events, incl. phone number.   If you have a company/ University  e-mail address, please use your formal e-mail. Only one person per e-mail. 

It should be safe to visit us! The Chamber follows all infection control advice from the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian authorities to ensure that our meeting places are safe. All participants must either be fully vaccinated or present a negative test. We ask you to familiarize yourself with our requirements and routines prior to attending our meetings: 


12:30 Registration and coffee.

12:45 Welcome, by Øystein Dahl Andersen, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

12:55 Job search is a job itself, by Eva Kanic-Pieterse, founder and CEO Virtuala.

14:00 Q & A and networking, by all.

14:30 Closing.



Job search, Eva Kanic-Pietersen

Job preparation and interview techniques.pptx

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