
POSTPONED: Job search and Career: CV and interview technique

What constitutes a good CV can vary from job to job. Today's JOB SEARCH will be about how you can create a good CV adapted to the jobs you are applying for.

The job search- and career meeting series is an opportunity for newcomers and students to invest time in new developing both new skills and existing competence with regards to the job market in Rogaland.

What is a good CV? A good CV is a CV that matches the job description and the profile of the company that you are applying for. This means that a CV, in many cases, can and should vary from job to job. Saira Khursheed from Lovra Academy is our key note speaker for this workshop and will guide you through the process and give examples of how what a relevant CV entails. 

This event will focus on preparations prior to sending CV and application. You will get a thorough introduction to what a CV and application should contain as well as what it should not contain and useful tips in general.

You will also get a crash course in how to prepare for an interview, what the company is allowed to ask you and suggestions of what you could ask the company about.

There will be an open Q & A session at the end of the session.


For more information, please contact: Maria Mår Johansen

Please enroll with company details (either company email or a private e-mail pluss company details), it's highly important for us to be able to register who attends our events. This leaves you with a more updated attendee list - giving you maximum gain from both our events and networking. Hope to see you!


09:30 Registration and coffee

09:45 Welcome remarks, By Stavanger Chamber of Commerce

09:47 CV and Interview technique, by Lovra Academy

11:00 Q&A, by all

11:30 Closing

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