There will be an open Q & A session at the end of the session.
For more information, please contact: Maria Mår Johansen
The job search- and career meeting series is an opportunity for newcomers and students to invest time in new developing both new skills and existing competence with regards to the job market in Rogaland.
Please enroll with company details (either company email or a private e-mail pluss company details), it's highly important for us to be able to register who attends our events. This leaves you with a more updated attendee list - giving you maximum gain from both our events and networking. Hope to see you!
09:30 Registration and coffee
09:45 Welcome remarks, By Stavanger Chamber of Commerce
09:50 Knowing who you are by Eva Kanic-Pieterse
11:00 Q&A, by all
11:30 Closing
Knowing who you are, Eva Kanic-Pietersen
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