
Job Search: The searching process

How does the job search process work in Norway?

In this seminar we will give examples of how to write a good CV and what channels you have to search through.
- via arbeidsplassen.no
- via recruitment agency
- via company web pages
- via advertised positions through finn.no or others

The Job Search meeting series is an offer for everyone who has recently arrived in the Stavanger region and is eager to learn more about job opportunities and working conditions here. We invite speakers who will open you up to different aspects of the work sphere in Norway.

For more information, please contact Tone Haddeland


The next Job Search meeting will take place  September 30th. Theme: Linkedin


09.30 Registration and coffee.

09.45 Welcome remarks, by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

09.50 The searching process, by Eva Kanic-Pieterse, CEO, Virtuala.

10.30 Open discussion and individual questions.

11.00 Closing and individual networking.


Eva Kanic-Pieterse

Eva comes from Stavanger and has worked for 11 years with HR and recruitment, mostly in the energy sector. She runs her own business, Virtuala, where she helps internationals navigate the job seeking process. She also works as HR for hire for companies. She has been working with the administration of expats moving to Norway for many years.



The searching process, Eva Kanic-Pietersen

16.09.22 The searching process.pptx

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