
Job Search: Labor Market Update

The Job Search meeting series is an offer for everyone who recently arrived to the Stavanger-region, and want to learn more about job opportunities and working conditions. We will invite speakers that would cover different aspects of working in Norway.

Language: English

Time:  Wednesdays at 09.30 - 11.30 or 13.00 - 14.30

Location: Stavanger Chamber of Commerce (Næringsforeningen in Norwegian),        Rosenkildehuset, Strandkaien 6, 4005 Stavanger (City Centre)


Upcoming program:

April 27th: Labor marked update: Where to start? Speaker: Inger Tone Ødegård, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

May 4th: How to prepare for an interview? 

May 11th: HSE (Health, safety and environment) and Labor Inspection Authority

May 18th: Company presentations, TBA 

May 25th: Company presentations, TBA

The meetings are free, but please register in advance. We will prepare meeting rooms and coffee based on the number of participants per meeting. When you sign up, you will receive an automatic confirmation by email.

For more information, please contact Tone Haddeland at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce

Please follow the webside for updated information. 


A representative from the Ukraine Organization will be present April 27th,  doing some translation.

Щосереди ми проводимо заходи, що допоможуть вам у пошуку роботи.Серія зустрічей «Пошук роботи» — це пропозиція для всіх, хто нещодавно прибув до Ставангер-регіону і хоче більше дізнатися про можливості роботи та умови праці. Ми запросимо доповідачів, які висвітлять різні аспекти роботи в Норвегії. Буде присутній перекладач.





09.30 Registration and coffee.

09.45 Welcome remarks, by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

09.50 Labor marked update, by Inger Tone Ødegård, Stavanger Chamber.

10.30 Break for networking.

10.45 Useful networks and activities to get started.

11.30 Closing and individual networking.


Job Search Labor Market Update, Inger Tone Ødegård

SCI Labor marked update.pptx

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