
Morning Connections: Stavanger region

Possibilities in the region, covering everything from useful networks, library services, activities and outdoor opportunities for families with children.

Morning Connections is a supportive parent community and venue for learning about education, parenting, expat life and living in Norway. This meeting series is presented by the International School of Stavanger along with Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.The forth event of this year will be about possibilities in the region. Covering everything from useful networks, library services, activities and outdoor opportunities for families with children. 


Brent De Blaser, ISS: Regional activities for families with children.  

Miriam Belay Sbhatu, Sølvberget: International networks, possibilities and how to use their services.

Maria Mår Johansen, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce: Regional networks 

Tone Indrelid: Stavanger Mentoring Programme




Are you interested in speaking or have a subject in mind. Send us an 📧 @ communications@isstavanger.no.

Coffee/pastries are available at 8:40 in the cafeteria foyer. The session will be in the MS/HS Library starting at 9:00. 

We look forward to welcoming you, and feel free to bring a friend.


08:40 Coffee, pastries and networking

09:00 Start, In the library

10:00 Closing and individual networking

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