Even if you have complete control over your own finances, it does not necessarily mean that they are the optimal choices. In Norway, there is a culture of investing in property, and loan financing also provides a tax reduction.
In this seminar we will explain how an average family builds up their personal finances:
- Bank: different accounts for different use
- Save for housing; BSU for youth
- Loan arrangements
- How to combine debt and savings
- Good consumption habits
- What's new in the market (regulations and opportunities)
Savings in a life perspective. Please join us and meet Torger Dyrnes and Konrad Kvitvær from Sandnes Sparebank.
This event is free of charge. Registration: E-mail, name and company. If you have no company connection please enroll as individual or student.
All attendees will receive a separate email with all the practical details ahead of the event.
For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård.
We will forward a link to this webinar a couple of hours ahead of the event.
19.00 Welcome, by Inger Tone Ødegård, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.
19.05 Healthy economy in a long run, by Torger Dyrnes and Konrad Kvitvær, financial advisors at Sandnes Sparebank.
20.00 Q & A with all.
20.15 Closing.
Oppstart, Egil Hollund
Private economy, Konrad Kvitvær
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