
Private economy

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: How to make the best choices in the long run for an international family. Moving to a new country means many new impressions, both in culture and daily life. Personal finance is one of many new elements that requires focus to make sure the right choices are made.

Even if you have complete control over your own finances, it does not necessarily mean that they are the optimal choices. In Norway, there is a culture of investing in property, and loan financing also provides a tax reduction.

In this seminar we will explain how an average family builds up their personal finances:
- Bank: different accounts for different use
- Save for housing; BSU for youth

- Loan arrangements
- How to combine debt and savings
- Good consumption habits
- What's new in the market (regulations and opportunities)

Savings in a life perspective. Please join us and meet Torger Dyrnes and Konrad Kvitvær from Sandnes Sparebank. 


This event is free of charge. Registration: E-mail, name and company. If you have no company connection please enroll as individual or student.

All attendees will receive a separate email with all the practical details ahead of the event.

For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård.

We will forward a link to this webinar a couple of hours ahead of the event.



19.00 Welcome, by Inger Tone Ødegård, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

19.05 Healthy economy in a long run, by Torger Dyrnes and Konrad Kvitvær, financial advisors at Sandnes Sparebank.

20.00 Q & A with all.

20.15 Closing.



Oppstart, Egil Hollund


Private economy, Konrad Kvitvær


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