
Health and well-being

How does the health system work in Norway? We`ll go through preventive activities, GP, acute illness, and practical tips in general.

Our keynote speaker is Dr. Hans Hopland. He has worked as a general practitioner for several years. He's employed by Dr Dropin and knows both public and private health care.

Topics to be discussed:

🥬 Good health through a healthy lifestyle
👉 Helsenorge 
👩‍⚕️ Fastlegeordningen (General practitioner)  - step by step 
🏥 Legevakt - when & where
⛑️ Rescue system if emergency and personal responsibilities

Q & A, Open discussions with all.


For more information, please contact Tone Haddeland

This event is free of charge! Please enroll with your company or university e-mail if you have one. Networking is a highly important part of the events hosted here at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, an updated attendee list with company details leaves you with maximum gain from our events. Hope to see you! 


18.30 Registration and coffee.

18.45 Welcome remarks by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.

18.50 The Norwegian health care system, by Hans Hopland, doctor.

20.00 Individual Q & A, by all.

20.30 Networking, by all.

21.00 Closing.


Hans Haga Hopland

Hans Haga is educated as a doctor, from University in Bergen. He has worked for two years as a General Practioner (GP) at Voss. He is now general manager at Dr.Dropin Stavanger.



Health and well being, Hans Hopland

Health and well being Jan 11th.pptx

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