
Social night at Fargegaten

Fargegaten - Øvre Holmegate - The colourful street Arguably one of the most colourful streets of Norway? Well find out for yourself. Shopping and plenty of places for coffee and drinks too.

Fargegaten: From forgotten to a tourist icon. At first, many people were sceptical to the bright colour palette when the project was finally approved by the council. However, sceptisism quickly turned to enthusiasm once the finished project was a fact. Øvre Holmegate is now one of the major attractions in Stavanger. Locals call the street Fargegata (the street of colours).


Please join us for a social night, including a brief storytelling about the street and development.  We will meet at Bakgården, Hanekam.  Very informal, and you buy your own coffee or drink. The entire idea is meeting new people and get involved in the local community.  We have made reservations, and useful for all if you sign up in advance. 


For more information, please contact Tone Haddeland

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