
Christmas Concert with SSO

Join us for a Christmas concert with the Stavanger Symphony Choir!

Accompanied by the award-winning Norwegian soprano Marita Sølberg and the Stavanger Symphony Choir, we invite you to a Christmas concert with wonderful music. Øyvind Bjorå is conducting and Rune Nilson from NRK is the evening’s host.

Where: Stavanger Konserthus, Fartein Valen, Sandvigå 1, 4007 Stavanger

When: 19:00, I'll be wearing a Santa hat, come get your ticket! 🧑‍🎄

What: See the entire program here

We have one ticket available for every e-mail registered, you are welcome to bring friends in your expat network, but please have them register so we know exactly how many who will be joining us this evening. 

If you have any questions, reach out to Maria Mår Johansen

This event is free of charge! Networking is a highly important part of the events hosted here at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, an updated attendee list leaves you with maximum gain from our events. Hope to see you! 


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