The target group for this event is everyone who are interested in entrepreneurship; start-ups and scale-ups!
The speakers will cover inspiration and information about the eco system for start ups:
Why Stavanger is a great Start-up hub, by Kristina Renberg, Stavanger municipality
Startup Weekend Stavanger, Sep 23rd- 25th - inspiration for early stage ideas, Claudine Ang and Richard Reistad
Skape: counseling and courses for setting up a new business, by Rudolf Hansen,
Validé: Growth, ITSA-accelerator program and much more, by Marianne Fedde Lilland.
From idea to the market, by Bjørn Ove Bergseteren.
For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård
This event is free of charge! Please enroll with your company or university e-mail if you have one. Networking is a highly important part of the events hosted here at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, an updated attendee list with company details leaves you with maximum gain from our events. Hope to see you!
18.30 Registration and coffee/tea.
18.45 Welcome by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, by Inger Tone Ødegård.
18.50 Stavanger as a Startup City, by Kristina Renberg, Stavanger kommune.
19.00 Where to start the journey of entrepreneurship, by Claudine Ang and Richard Reistad , Startup Weekend Stavanger.
19.15 Business models, business plans and much more, by Rudolf Hansen,
19.30 Break and individual discussions, by all.
20.00 Accelerator program and much more, by Marianne Fedde Lilland, Validé.
20.15 From idea to business: Solintegra, by Bjørn Ove Bergseteren, CEO, Solintegra.
20.30 Networking for further inspiration, by all.
21.00 Closing.
Stavanger as a startup city, Kristina Renberg
The journey of entrepreneurship, Claudine Ang
Business models, plans and framework, Rudolf Hansen
Accelerator program, Marianne Fedde Lilland
From idea to business, Bjørn Ove Bergseteren
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