
Stavanger 2025

In 2025, Stavanger will mark its 900th anniversary with grand celebrations! Art - culture - dance - outdoor activities - people and much more!

In 1125, Stavanger Cathedral was completed, marking the beginning of the story of Stavanger city and diocese. An exciting cultural program is scheduled from January to December, and everyone is welcome to join the celebrations! We would like to invite you to join us for an engaging and informative evening at Rosenkildehuset.

You will meet Lena Antonius and Stine Honoré, Stavanger 2025, Maren Evensmo Jacobsen from Stavanger Turistforening and Berit Aarrestad from University of Stavanger. 

They will share insights into the significance of the jubilee and the efforts that are being made to make sure that all of Stavangers residents feel included in the celebrations.

Don´t miss this opportunity to get involved in the 900 years anniversary.  Looking forward to seeing you all!

* Culture - Fun - Education
* January 1st to December 31st
* Invite your family and friends to the Stavanger-region in 2025
* A unique opportunity getting involved in the local community

More information about Stavanger 2025 in English


For more information, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård

Please enroll with company details (either company email or a private e-mail pluss company details), it's important for us to be able to register who attends our events. This leaves you with a more updated attendee list - giving you maximum gain from both our events and networking. Hope to see you!


18:30 Registration and networking.

18:45 Welcome by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, by Inger Tone Ødegård.

18:50 The 2025 celebration is starting soon. How to get involved? by Lena Antonius and Stine Honoré, Stavanger 2025.

19:15 New outdoor activities you can explore in 2025, by Maren Evensmo Jacobsen, DNT, Rogalands leading outdoor organization.

19:45 Short meet and great break with coffee, by all.

20:00 City Festival for all - four days of music, dance, and storytelling in the streets of Stavanger, by Berit Aarrestad, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Education, UiS.

20:30 Q and A and networking, by all.

21:00 Closing.


Stine Honorè

Stine Honoré is project advisor for Stavanger 2025. She has previously worked for the Stavanger Museum and the Kielland Center at Sølvberget.


Berit Aarrestad

Arrestad is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Education at the University of Stavanger. She also works as stage director, with a performing career in the independent performing arts field at local, national, and international levels. She has led major art projects in collaboration with Rogaland Theater, the Stavanger International Festival for Literature and Freedom of Expression, the Stavanger International Chamber Music Festival, the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, and Stavanger, European Capital of Culture 2008. In 2025 she is artistic director of the City Festival.


2025 Celebration - City of Stavanger, Stine Honore

Stavanger 2025 27.11.2024.pdf

DNT - Rogalands leading outdoor organization, Maren Evensmo Jacobsen

Presentasjon n_ringsforeningen engelsk 2024.pptx

City festival - four days of music, dance and storytelling, Berit Aarrestad

Presentasjon Berit Aarrestad endelig versjon .pptx

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