
Summer get together

Let´s meet up and enjoy bright summer evenings. Catch up with fellow SCI'ers, meet newcomers and engage in some fun outdoor games.

We invite you to an informal garden party with the aim of getting to know new people, great conversations, games and having fun together.

The evening offers:

🍿 Snacks and drinks
🍓 Strawberries and ice cream
🎯 Games and awards
👫 Fun and friendship

The evening is made possible by the Party Committee: Summer, Normann and Inger Tone 💥

>> PLEASE register, so that we can buy the right amount of food and drinks. We will send an email to everyone the day before the event with the exact address and travel tips.


For more information or to be put on our waiting list please contact Inger Tone Ødegård

This event is free of charge. Please enroll with your company or university e-mail if you have one. Networking is a highly important part of the events hosted here at Stavanger Chamber of Commerce. An updated attendee list with company details leaves you with maximum gain from our events. Hope to see you!


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