
Norwegian tax system

An introduction to the Norwegian tax system and filling out the tax return.

Helen Totland, Attorney of Tax Law at Ernst & Young will give you an overview of any property you’re obliged to declare in your tax return, what deductions you can claim and how to coordinate your Norwegian social security posts.

The seminar will focus on the following:

  • How to handle your Norwegian tax return filing requirement?
  • What kind of information do you need to submit to the tax office?
  • How is taxation different from single income households and double income households? 
  • Are there tax claims for children and other recreational activities? Travel expenses for work? 
  • How to document your income?
  • How to avoid double taxation?

For more information, please contact Maria Mår Johansen 

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18.00 Registration and coffee.

18.15 Welcome remarks by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, by TBA

18.20 Filing tax in Norway, by Helen Totland, Partner, Lawyer at EY Tax and Law.

20:30 Closing.



Taxation 2024, Helen Totland

2024.03.20 - Taxation in Norway.pptx

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