The global demand for, proteins and nutrition is growing, and the Stavanger Region hosts the most complete value chain for food production in Norway.
AM Nutrition is a part of this value chain. The company is a global supplier of pea products for use in food, feed, pet food and technical applications, and conducts extensive research in these fields. AM Nutrition is a subsidiary of the Norwegian agro cooperative Felleskjøpet Rogaland Agder.
At this visit CEO Sigmund Braek and his team will give us en exciting briefing on the activities and ambitions of AM Nutrition!
If you have any questions, please contact Frode Berge or by phone: 414 76 639.
18:00 Registration, coffee and tea.
18:15 Welcome and update on Chamber Activities. Frode Berge, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce.
18:30 AN Nutrition- Who we are and what we do. Sigmund Bræk, laura Gil Martens and Janne Årsvoll, AM Nutrition.
19:10 Questions, answers and discussions.
19:30 Good Night!
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